Top 10 American Craft Vodka Brands
Top 10 American Craft Vodka Brands – Including their Price Range, Company Information & Percentage of Alcohol it contains.
Charbay Vodka
Charbay is Marko’s brainchild, started in 1997 and came up with the idea of using real fruit to flavor vodka. The art of making vodka is to preserve the mouthfeel texture and viscosity of what is being distilled. This vodka is not highly filtered so it has a great body and mouthfeel that would never be lost. It contains about 40% of alcohol by its volume.
Manufacturer: Domaine Charbay
Instagram: @charbaydistillery
Price: $21 - $30
Full Flavor line includes: Meyer Lemon, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Green Tea, and Blood Range.
Square One Organic Vodka
Square One Vodka is singular grain vodka made from organic American rye using organic fermentation and distillation techniques. It tastes slightly oily and produces crisp, milt bite on the edges of your tongue. Square one organic vodka contains 40% of alcohol by volume. This vodka is distilled from North Dakota rye and boasts a certified organic fermentation process.
Manufacturer: Square One Organic Spirits
Instagram: @squareoneorganicspirits
Price: $30 - $40
Full Flavor line includes: Bergamot, Basil, Botanical, Cucumber, and Organic Vodka.
St. George Vodka
St. George Vodka is made by distilling fresh fruits in the copper stills using the artisanal methods. It is crafted in Alameda at the St. George Spirits distillery. The vodka is being distilled from grain and fruit especially from Bartlett pears. The taste of St. George Vodka is like vanilla and almond intertwine with a mild sweetness on the palate. St. Gorge Vodka has 40% of alcohol by volume.
Manufacturer: St. George Spirits
Instagram: @stgeorgespirits
Price: $30 - $40
Full Flavor line includes: All Purpose, California Citrus, and Green Chile.
44˚ North Vodka
The company utilizes Idaho’s great agricultural wealth to produce the purest vodka possible. The spirits are been distill directly from 100% Idaho potatoes with Brundage winter white rocky mountain spring water. For naturally infusing their flavored varieties, they use all natural Idaho Mountain Huckleberries, Rainer Cherries and Sunnyslope Nectarines containing 40% of alcohol by volume. It has the classic taste with crisp, yet smooth edge, perfect for enjoying neat or as the key ingredient in your favorite vodka cocktails.
Manufacturer: 44˚ North Vodka
Instagram: @44northvodka
Price: $40 - $50
Full Flavor line includes: Idaho Potato, Mountain Huckleberry, Rainier Cherry, Sunnyslope Nectarine and Magic Valley Wheat.
Blue Ice Vodka
It is America’s best potato vodka from the snow-crested peaks of the Grand Teton Mountains; the water originates from one of the last remaining pristine water sources in America. The company selects the finest potatoes and produced with the artful science of handcraft distillation. Blue Ice Vodka contains 40% of alcohol and is the world’s highest quality potato vodka. It tastes sweet and slightly oily mouthfeel and a little thick on the tongue, heavy body, with a crisp and mild bite.
Manufacturer: Blue Ice
Instagram: @blueicevodkausa
Price: $20 - $ 25
Full Flavor line includes: Organic Wheat and G vodka, with flavors Crème Brulee, Blue Raspberry, Island Coconut and Sweet Peach
Still the One Vodka
Still the One Vodka is a product of Still the One Distillery and is distilled from Honey. The company takes years of work to get the recipes just right and an expert hand to craft their award-winning line of gin, vodka, and whiskey. They find the best ingredients, distilled slowly in small batches by using New York’s organic wheat, fresh sugar cane, and molasses and bottling them by hand. There is 40% of alcohol content in Still the One Vodka.
Manufacturer: Still the One Distillery
Instagram: @stilltheonedistillerytwo
Price: $35 - $45
Dry Fly Vodka
Dry Fly is a micro-distillery in the Northwest, producing the highest quality products. The distillery has a great variety of fantastic spirits and the wheat vodka is no exception. Dry Fly Washington wheat vodka is an international award-winning vodka, distilled from Eastern Washington. The vodka is distilled three times in hybrid column still and lightly filtered to retain the entire amazing wheat flavor. Dry Fly Vodka contains 40% of alcohol by volume.
Manufacturer: Dry Fly Distilling
Instagram: @dryflydistilling
Price: $25 - $35
Prairie Organic Vodka
Prairie Organic Spirits is an organic producer of spirits, every batch of their farm crafted spirits begins as single vintage growing on their family farms. The spirits are free from harmful chemicals and GMO’s as their framers grow grains and corns organically. Prairie Organic Vodka flavors the hint of melon and pear on the nose, creamy on the palate, bright and smooth at the finish. The vodka contains 40% of alcohol by its volume.
Manufacturer: Prairie Organic Spirits
Instagram: @prairieorganic
Price: $20 - $40
Full Flavor line includes: Cucumber
Hanger 1 Vodka
Hanger 1 Vodka was born in Northern California and inspired by fresh ingredients. The company source ingredients when the season is just right and it’s how they produce freshest tasting vodka. Their vodkas are distilled from grains and grapes. The perfectly balance straight vodka, fresh and slightly floral on the nose, light perfume on the finish.
Manufacturer: Hanger 1 Vodka
Instagram: @hangar1vodka
Price: $30 - $45
Full Flavor line includes: Straight, Buddha’s Hand Citron, Mandarin Blossom, Makrut Lime, Rose Vodka, Chipotle Vodka, Pink Peppercorn, and Honeycomb.
Bedlam Vodka
Bedlam Vodka is distilled from rice, with a deep Irish heritage at Graybeard Distillery in Durham, NC. It doesn’t burn in any overwhelming sense, as it is softened by breakfast cereal notes and a notable sweetness. Bedlam Vodka tastes are fairly harmless, again with light citrus notes but with a considerably heavier cereal component. It contains 40% of alcohol by volume.
Manufacturer: Graybeard Distillery
Instagram: @bedlamvodka
Price: $20 - $30
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