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Exhibitor FAQ

1. How many SKUs can I showcase at my table?

We suggest that a maximum of 6 SKUs are poured at a table. This includes different varietals within a brand umbrella as well. For example: if your brand ABC has a Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and your brand XYZ has Pinot Gris these are counted as 4 SKUs.

2. How many bottles do I need for sampling?

We recommend a minimum of 4 bottles per SKU. You may bring/ship additional bottles as you see fit.

3. What is included at my exhibitor table?

The trade tasting is a trestle table set up. Your pricing overs ALL costs associated with the show. You are required to bring in one roll-up banner only and may place marketing material on your table. USATT will provide you with the below.

  •     6' x 30" Table-Top, with white skirting

  •     2 Chairs

  •     E-Program Guide Listing

  •     2 Cocktail Party passes

4. Will ice and wine glasses be provided?

Wine glasses will be collected by visitors as they enter the room so you will not need to have any glasses at your table. Ice may be collected at the ice station as and when required.

5. What else can I display at my table?

You may display a roll-up banner behind your table. Other material that may be displayed include brand sell sheets, brochures, business cards and pricing for importers and distributors. Only 1 roll-up banner can be displayed per table. Table Signage, spittoon and ice bucket will be provided by USATT.

6. Roll-up banner dimension requirements?

Recommended size. 80-85 x 200cm.

7. Are there power outlets available at my table?

No. The venue doesn't have the Power Outlets available.

8. Do I need TTB Cola Waiver approval for my products?

If the SKU(s) are already imported to the US and will be shipped to our warehouse domestically by your importer in the US, the TTB Cola Waiver Approval is NOT required.

If the SKU(s) will be shipped from overseas, whether or not they are already approved, our partner Importer must be listed as consignee and importer of record on the commercial invoice and a TTB cola waiver IS required.

9. What does the $100 fee / case for storage & delivery include?

This fee includes storage, handling and transport from the warehouse to your table at the tasting venue.

10. How should I ship my samples?

Domestic, please contact Aakash for the Event Label before shipping. International, If already have Importer, please contact Aakash for the Event Label and ask your Importer to ship Domestic. if you need Importer, please have FDA, DUNS number, TTB COLA Waiver with assistance through our parnter Importer before Shipping. If you need additional information, please email aakash@usatradetasting.com Deadline for Importing service is 31st March. Deliver by 3rd May.

11. When should I ship my samples?

Samples will need to be delivered by May 3rd. Please email aakash@usatradetasting.com if you require additional information. Event Label will be shared post Importing Service/ Storage Charges. No refund shall be process incase of delays/ customs/ damages. If any delays/ issues with customs using our partner importer or yours, no refund will be given.

12. Can I ship samples to the venue directly?

No, the venue does not provide this facility. The samples must be shipped to our warehouse (using the instructions we will send) or you may bring them in with you directly on the day of the tasting.

13. How will I find my samples for the tasting?

If you have shipped your samples to USATT’s warehouse, your samples will be at your table when you arrive to setup your table.

14. Can I bring my samples directly to the venue?

Yes, you may bring in samples with you when you arrive to setup your table at the event. We ask that you arrive a little early to allow for setup.

15. Will you chill my products before my arrival?

We are unable to chill your wine before the event. We ask that you arrive an hour before the start of the event at 10 am to be able to place your wines on ice for chilling.

16. What are the event times?

The Grand Tasting is on May 20th. The Visitors timings are 11 am - 6 pm.

What are the exhibitor bump-in and bump-out times for the Grand Tasting?

The bump in time on May 20th  is 11 am.
The bump out time on May 20th is at 6 pm.

18. What is my table number? Where am I placed on the tasting floor?

The floor map is available in the Table Selection link in Exhibitor Zone.

19. How many exhibitor badges are included with my registration?

Any number of exhibitor badges may be registered. However, only 2 people can stand at a table at any given time. Registration for badges can be done through Exhibitor Zone.