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I’m Ready To Meet The World Again In Chicago On October 12-13, 2022


USA Trade Tasting directly addresses the needs and interests of importers, distributors and retailers.

The 6th annual USA Trade Tasting is a full in person event that's happening in Chicago on October 12-13, 2022. The event directly addresses the needs and interests of importers, distributors and retailers.

This is not just another walk around tasting from X country or Y region. It’s a radical spin on wine and spirits trade shows in the U.S. that directly addresses the needs and interests of importers and distributors.


USA Trade Tasting gives you an opportunity to see wines, spirits, beers, and ciders that you’d never otherwise have had a chance to taste.  Beyond that an opportunity to demonstrate your support in making our archaically-regulated industry just a bit more user-friendly to foreigners. And it will be fun…we think you’ll learn something you didn’t know, meet someone new, or just connect with old friends and support the cause.